
    About Big Vines


    Saturday 30 September 2017

    Roads and Highways Business

    Main Object Clause of an entity having business of constructing maintaining Roads and Highways (E.g. IRB Infra, MEP Infra etc.)

    To carry on the business of construction work comprising of civil works, civil engineers, civil contractors and to undertake projects and contracts for Government and Government Departments or authorities and undertake either alone and jointly with any other company or persons, works of all distinction like construction, renovation, repairs, widening, paving, resurfacing of roads, upgrading, strengthening of roads, flyovers, highways, tunnels or bridges of all types of R. C. C and post–tensioned cement concrete works, reinforced cement concrete works, granting, rock–cutting, reclamations, cement gutting, waterproofing works, painting, decorating and to purchase, acquire, contract, erect, repair and maintaining of structures, flyovers, tunnels, dams, earth tunnels, towers, reservoirs, drains and culverts, trenches, embankments, irrigation works, reclamations, land improvement, sewerage and sanitary works.

    To carry on the business of collection of toll or any services as an agent or enter into arrangement with Central Government, State Government, Semi Government Bodies, Private Parties or Authorities, whether Municipal, Local or otherwise or with any institution or company in India or abroad and to procure or maintain from such Government Authority, person, institution or company, rights of all sorts for assistance, privileges, charters, contracts, licenses and concessions which the company may think it desirable and to carry out, exercise and comply therewith 

    Sugar Business

    Main Object Clause of an entity having business of Sugar and allied products

    To purchase, manufacture, produce, boil, prepare, brew, import, export, buy, sell and generally to deal in all varieties of sugar candy, jaggery, khandasari sugar, sugar beet, sugar cane, molasses, syrups, melada, alcohol, spirits and all products and by-products, thereof such as confectionery, glucose, bagasse boards, paper, paper pulp, alcohol, acetone, carbon-dioxide, hydrogen, potash, cane wax, fertilizers, cattle feed and food products generally.

    To plant, cultivate, produce and raise and/or get cultivated through others or purchase sugar cane, sorghum, sugar beet sago, palmyra juice and crops or raw materials used in the production of sugar and its products and by-products. 

    Marine Port and Services Business

    Main Object Clause of an entity having business of Marine Port and related services (E.g. Adani Port, Mundra Port etc)

    To construct, develop, maintain, build, equip, hire or otherwise deal with ports, shipyards, jetties, harbours, docks, ship breaking, ship repair, ship building at any port in India or elsewhere and to carry on business of inland and sea transport including goods, passengers and mail, shippers, ship brokers, ship agents, ship underwriters, ship managers, tug owners, barge owners, insurance brokers, loading brokers, freight, brokers, freight contractors, stevedores, warehousemen, wharfingers and building, assembling, fitting, constructing, repairing, servicing and managing ships, seagoing vessels and vessels for inland waterways

    To contract, develop, maintain, build, equip, hire, strengthen, widen, upgrade or otherwise deal in any manner with roads, railways, railway siding, payments, highways, anywhere in India and to acquire lease, concessions, rights from any authority in India for the said purpose and operate, grant, lease, concessions and right for the above purpose either on commercial basis including on toll basis or otherwise and to carry on any business of consultants, architects, advisors, syndicators, agents, structural engineers, contractors or otherwise carry on any other business ancillary to the above objects

    Movies and Entertainment Business

    Main Object Clause of an entity having business of Movies and Entertainment (E.g. Shemaroo Entertainment, TIPS India etc.)

    To carry on business of manufacture, recording, reproducing, duplicating, processing and trading (including ecommerce trading through websites, cable or any other audio/video medium/format) of video cassettes, video grams, video disc, DVD, Laser Disc, compact disc or other audio/visual medium/formats and such other media, all types of films and features including Documentaries, Indian and Foreign dances, Indian or foreign feature films of places, of Tourist interest and Historical importance, Indian culture features such as festivals and the like, T.V. serials and similar objects for viewing on Television set and /or for viewing / exhibition cable, T.V. video parlours, internet, intranet and any other such place and trading and marketing the above all over the world for cash, non-cash consideration or barter system against services offered and/or supply of goods, rights and materials in which the company is engaged

    To carry on the business of distribution of video films of all types and of manufacturing, trading, sales and hire of video cassettes video games, video discs and/or Audio Video medium/formats and other such media and to purchase and sell, lease, assign/reassign, or commercial exploitation of audio visual (film and non-film) content rights across various mediums and transmission methods including but not limited to video / video on demand, satellite, cable / pay TV, pay per view, web, internet right, theatrical rights, negative rights in domestic as well as overseas market and all over the world

    To carry on business of producing, co producing, presenting, distributing, exhibiting, importing, exporting of films, movies, documentaries, music videos, commercial advertisement, web based programming, short films, animation, promotion of films, serials, programmes, plays, trailers, blocks, posters, and publicity materials and to act as dealers, agents of such films, movies, serials, programmes and plays and to take part in any film festivals, award functions, (domestic or international), and to establish, maintain or take and provide on hire studio and other equipments for the production, performance, projection of films, movies, serials, programmes and plays and business of transfer related technical services (in-house and for outside parties) such as film to video transfer, editing in various formats, sound recording, dubbing editing, VCD / DVD/ Laser Disc/Compact Disc mastering, Non-linear editing, format transfer on VHS / DVD / VCD/ Laser Disc/Compact Disc/ Digi – Beta cam / Umatic / other digital / analog format, etc., VCD / DVD Laser Disc/Compact Disc recording and other post production processes

    Non-Alcoholic Beverages Business

    Main Object Clause of an entity having business of Non-alcoholic beverages products

    To carry on the business to manufacture, process, buy, sell, import, export, develop, market, supply and to act as agent, distributor, stockiest, wholesalers, dealers, retailer or marketers or otherwise to deal in all types, tastes, uses, descriptions and packs of agriculture items, consumer products, including packed foods, foods ingredients, powders, pastes, beverages, juices, jams, jelly, squashes, pickles, sausages, edible oil flavored drinks, health and diet drinks, extruded foods, frozen foods, dehydrated foods, fast foods, cream, cheese, butter, biscuits, breads, cakes, chocolate, fruit juice, mineral water, carbonated products, fruit and vegetable pulp, breakfast foods, herbal products and all items related to foods, nutrition, medicinal purpose.

    Shipping Business

    Main Object Clause of an entity having business of Shipping

    To carry on in India or abroad the business of shipping agency, provide shipping related services and logistics services for transporting goods and passengers at national and international levels including air, sea and land transportation, freight forwarding, warehousing, providing feeding services and other shipping related services, to undertake the activities of cargo booking, to hire ship on charter basis, to act as clearing and forwarding agents, customs clearing agents, to act as ship chandlers as also to supply provisions bunkers on board the vessels to establish, encourage, promote, manage and organise, marketing operations in India or abroad for shipping industry and undertake to develop, operate and maintain, improve, remodel and manage infrastructure used by the shipping industry which includes ports, container, freight stations, terminals and to provide services related to marine industry in the business of ship designing, building, repair and conversion, manufacture of marine machinery and to act as agent, broker, consultant, importer, exporter, collaborator.

    Friday 22 September 2017

    Tea and Coffee Business

    Main Object Clause of an entity having business of Tea and Coffee manufacturing and dealing. E.g. Dhunseri Tea, Tata Tea etc.

    1. To carry on the business of planters, growers and manufacturers of tea, coffee, cinchona, cocoa and other natural products of any kind, ship-owners, bankers, engineers and merchants in all their branches, and any other business which can conveniently be carried on in connection with such business or any them, including the purchasing and selling of timber, and the manufacture and sale of tea boxes and other articles, and the clearing, planting, irrigation and cultivation of lands, the making of roads, railways, tramways, canals and aqueducts for the development of the Company’s propriety, and the convenient carrying on of its business.

    2. To buy, sell, trade and deal in tea, coffee and other plants and seed and rice and other food and requisite for labourers and others employed on estates, and generally to trade and deal in any way in the production, manufacture and purchase and sale of tea, coffee and other products, whether in raw or manufactured state or any other goods produced, wares, merchandise, articles and things of any kind and to lay out, construct, take upon lease or otherwise, acquire, convert, alter, modify, equip maintain and work tea plantations and tea factories at any place or places in India or elsewhere with the necessary works, buildings, erections, machinery, implements and articles required for the same. 

    Telecom Equipment Products Business

    Main object clause of an entity having business of dealing in Telecom equipment and related products. E.g. Avantel Ltd., Aishwarya Telecom etc. 

    To design, develop, acquire, manufacture, purchase,sell, or otherwise transfer, lease, import, export, hire, license, use, dispose of, operate, fabricate, construct, distribute, demonstrate, assemble, repair overhaul, recondition, work upon, maintain or otherwise and generally deal in all kinds of Electronic, Electrical, Mechanical Equipments, used in and / or for Audio, Visual communications and office automation, and other equipments, apparatus, components, appliances, devices, controls, instrumentation materials and parts or articles or things, connected therewith.

    To do research, design, develop, manufacture, buy,sell, import, export, and deal in, all kinds and ranges, of telephonic microwave, navigational, calculating, computing, pneumatic, industrial, commercial, scientific and communications equipments, apparatus, appliances, and instruments and such allied and analogous to the foregoing or any of them or anything connected therewith

    To act as Administrative, Technical, Productivity, Managerial, Advisory, Commercial, Financial and any other type of Consultants in connection with the communication systems, sub-systems, equipment developed by the Company

     To carry on the business of consultant on engineering and other industrial matters, to do research, design, fabricate, setting up of plants, supervising, selling process know how, selling rights and acquiring any such rights and patents and to carry on the business of rendering services and assistance of all kinds to industrial concerns of all types in connection with main objects.

    To carry on the business of electronics and computers in all kinds of descriptions and specially to design, develop, manufacture, purchase or otherwise acquire, buy, sell, import, export and franchise technologies, computer systems, communications systems, hardware, systems software, applications software, computer peripherals and accessories, equipment, machinery and services in the area of electronics, computers, hardware, software, their application and all related fields and activities and to establish and run data processing center, computer hardware and software centre, multimedia centre and to offer consultancy and to carry on the business of Intranet or Internet services and carry on the business as an ISP or acting as vendor and providing Internet services.

    To carry on the business of consultancy and technology development and to undertake and execute other services such as software consultancy, management consultancy, techno-economic feasibility studies in the areas of electronics, communications, computers and their applications within and outside India.

     To research, design, develop, manufacture, buy, sell, import, export and deal in all kinds of Electronics & Communication Components, sub systems and systems including RF/Microwave products, Analog/ Digital Radio Communication Systems, Satellite Communication Products, Telecom Network Access products, Switching Equipment, Business Communication Systems, Terminals, Telecom Transmission Systems, Mobile Equipment for VSAT, Cellular, Paging, Radio Terminals and Wireless in Local Loop.

    To establish computer and communication networks either as part of international networks or as standalone networks or otherwise and provide high speed digital / analog communication links to other networks to establish and offer e-mail services, bulletin board services, online services and any other service which is feasible by using, internet or any other such international networks and to establish, install and commission the communication links to offer basic Telephone Services, Broadcasting Services, Cellular Services, Paging Services, Remote Sensing and other value added services.

    To promote, own, acquire, construct, erect, establish, maintain, improve, manage, operate, alter, carry on, control, take on hire/ lease power plants including renewable power plants, cogeneration power plants, energy conservation projects, captive power stations, power transmission and distribution systems and to generate or produce power using any form of energy including but not limited to coal, any form of gas, lignite, fuel oil, bio-mass, Liquid Natural Gas, agricultural waste, industrial or municipal waste, thermal, solar, hydel, geo-thermal, coal methanation, wind and tidal waves in India, and to buy, sell, distribute, transmit, supply, exchange, market electric power, energy, through grid or off grid, from /to the Central/State Electricity Board(s), State Government(s),Appropriate Authorities, licensees, specific industrial units, private generating stations and other consumers for industrial, commercial, agricultural, household and any other purpose in India and elsewhere.

    To construct, lay down, establish, promote, erect, build, install, commission, carry out and run all necessary power substations, workshops,repairshops, wires, cables, transmission lines, accumulators,street lightsforthe purpose of conservation, distribution, and supply of electricity of participating industries, State Electricity Board(s) and other Board(s) for repairing and maintenance of all distribution and supply lines and to acquire concession, facilities or licenses from Electricity Board(s), Government, Semi Government or local authorities for generation, distribution, production, transmission or use of electric power and to take over along with all movable and immovable properties, the existing facilities on mutually agreed terms from aforesaid authorities.

     To carry on in India or elsewhere the business to manufacture, produce, assemble, alter, acquire, convert, commercialize, design, develop, purchase, sell, resell, transfer, lease, import, export, hire, lease, let on hire, license, use, dispose of, operate, maintain, market, own, operate, fabricate, construct, establish, distribute, remodel, finish, hold, handle, install, demonstrate, repair, overhaul, renovate, recondition, work upon and to act as agent, broker, financier, stockiest, turn key supplier, contractor, promoter, consultant, engineer, collaborator or otherwise and generally deal in all kinds of energy conservation equipment’s, devises, systems, implements, components, parts, fittings, accessories, Instruments, Apparatus, Transformers, Electronic/ Electrical/ Mechanical/ Communication Items used in and/or for energy conservation, smart energy systems, clean technologies, green buildings and other equipment’s, apparatus, appliances, devices, controls and instrumentation and to carry on in India or elsewhere the business to act as Administrative, Technical, Productivity, Managerial, Advisory, Commercial, Financial and any other type of Consultants in connection with the energy conservations, demand management, energy audits, communication systems, sub-systems, equipment developed by the Company

    Travel Support Services Business

    Main Object Clause of entity having business of Tour and travels, booking etc. E.g. Thomas Cook, Cogs & Kings etc.

    To promote, represent, organize, undertake, establish, conduct, handle, arrange, manage, own, operate, participate, facilitate, sponsor, encourage & provide the business as package tour operators for religious, educational & picnic purposes; daily passengers service operators, conducted tour operators; travelling agent for booking and reserving accommodations, seats, berths compartments, Coupes, complete, bogies, on railways, motor ships, motor boats, aeroplanes, steamships, motor bus and omnibuses; vehicle booking agents, hotel booking agents, authorised railways ticket booking agents, ship booking agent, authorises ticket booking agent, representatives of other travelling agencies, courier service agents, correspondents, parcel & postage booking agents, telephone booth operators to provide necessary services for passport & visa; to handle inward foreign tourist activities in India and abroad to provide for guides, safe deposits & baggage transport; to act as an agent of bankers and to arrange travellers cheques, coupon drafts and other modes of foreign exchange on their behalf; to public magazines, bulletins & other literatures for tourism; export & import agent and to own, engage, hire, let on hire, contract or arrange, buses, coaches, bogies, charter, flights, helicopters, motor launchers, boats, taxies, rickshaws, tangas, baggis and other vehicles for tourists & passengers and to provide such facilities for national & international tourists

    Thursday 21 September 2017

    Forest Products Business

    Main Object Clause of entity having business of Forest products, furniture, ply etc. e.g. Century Ply, Sarda Ply etc.

    To carry on the business as timber merchants, saw mill proprietors, timber growers, timbers, treaters, seasoners, veneer, plywood, hardboard, laminator board, industrial decorative laminates, tea chests, chip board and fibre board manufacturers and to buy, sell, of saplings and trees and to harvest treat, process, render marketable, buy, sale and dispose of any such products including by products in the raw or manufactured state and to take up the business of planters, growers, cultivators, sellers and dealers of all kinds of wood including bamboo, bagase, Mesta or Cotton Stalks and to manufacture, dispose off, sell or deal in their product grow, prepare/ manipulate, import and export and deal in timber, veneers, plywood and wood, wood products, metal and metal products of all kinds, doors, windows, panel boards and others in manufacture of which timber, wood plywood or metal is used in any form of proportion, to buy, acquire any forests, factories and timber estates to enter into lease and other agreements with government, private and other agencies for purchase of timber and forest products and to act as forest contractors planters growers cultivators.

    Footwear Business

    Main Object clause of entity having business of Footwear e.g. Bata India, Relaxo etc.

    To carry on all or any of the following business as manufacturers, importers, exporters and distributors of, dealers and stockists in boots, shoes and foot-wear of all kinds and all other articles made of waterproof appliances, substances and things, travelgoods, oils, paints, chemicals and any preparation or solutions capable of being applied for water proofing or other similar purposes, synthetic rubber, synthetic rubber, plastic and all other articles produced or used by tanners and curriers and manufacturers of and dealers in appliances for the above trades or any of them as sole proprietors and or as partners in a partnership firm and or as member of an association of persons or body of individuals, or in any other manner authorised by law fr:r the time being or as agents, brokers, contractors, etc.

    To carry on business as consultants and advisers on various applications of the products and bye-products of the company and to undertake designing, servicing, erection, installation, execution and supply contracts for the same for clients and prospective clients.

    To develop, cause to develop, produce and/or deal in the connected raw materials, know how and facilities required for the production of the connected raw material. 

    Electricity / Power Generation Business

    Main Object Clause for the entity having business of generating Electricity or Power e.g. Reliance Energy, Adani Power, NTPC etc.

    To carry on the business of generation, accumulation, distribution and supply of and to generally deal in electricity through itself and its subsidiaries/associates. To explore, develop, generate, accumulate, supply and distribute or to deal in other forms of energy from any source whatsoever. To establish, operate and maintain generating stations, accumulation, tie lines, substations, workshops, transmission lines and to lay down cables, wires. To manufacture, deal in, let on hire, install, repair and maintain plant, machinery, equipment, appliances, components and apparatus of any nature whatsoever used in connection with generation storage, supply, distribute, application of electrical energy

    Departmental Stores Business

    Main Object Clause of entity having a business of Departmental Stores e.g. Dmart, Shoppers Stop etc.

    To carry on business of / and / or to own, operate, run supermarkets, chainstores, departmental stores, undertakings, retailing, merchandising, franchising, wholesale marketing and to act as franchisors and franchisees, retailers, wholesale outlets, to develop, promote and sell own products, brand names, supply chain management, on line trading systems, offering consolidation via internet, telephone, e-commerce, satellite, brick and mortar and other communication applications and through other retailing modes, servicing, business to business and business to consumer for all kinds of products.

    Sunday 17 September 2017

    Consumer Electronics Business

    1. To carry on the business of manufacturers, distributors, importers, exporters, buyers, sellers, agent and stockiest of and to market, hire, lease, rent out, assemble, alter, install, service, design, research and improve, develop, exchange, maintain, repair, refurnish, store and otherwise deal in any manner in all type of plastic moulded/extruded goods, all types of electrical and electronic goods, including television, video cassette display, digital video display, computer data processing applications both hardware & software, telephone exchanges, telephone instruments, fax machines, recording instruments and devices, electrical measuring and testing equipments, and any other system of telecommunication whether consisting of sounds, electrical pulses, visual images or otherwise, either alone or in combination, and whether electronic, electrical or mechanical or otherwise or any combination thereof and all systems apparatus, equipment, raw material, components, spare parts and fitting thereof and other related products and accessories thereto.

    2. To deal in, purchase, sell, import, export, exchange barter, or supply and or to act as principal, dealers, traders, agents, sub-agents, representative of manufacturers either solely or in conjunction with others and either by or through agents, sub-contractors, trustees or otherwise for all kind of Indian/Foreign manufactured goods, intermediate products, commodities, raw materials, services in the foreign countries and vice-versa and to establish or maintain services, branch or branches, agent or agents, anywhere in the world in connection with the business of the company as referred to in the sub-clause (1) above.   

    Printing and Stationary Business

    Main Object Clause of an entity having business of Printing and Stationary

    1. To carry on business as printers by all processes, which includes letterpress, offset, screen printing and other methods, publishes, stationers, typesetters, book-binders, block makers, engravers and die sinkers and as manufacturers of and dealers in account-books, envelopes, bags, card board boxes, calendars, diaries, visiting, festive, compliment, invitation, wedding and other ceremonial or fancy cards, papers, types and type metal printing ink and other printing accessories.

    2. To carry on the business in India, and elsewhere of manufacture of and elsewhere of manufacture of and act as dealers in and importers and exporters of books, printed materials of all kinds, printing machinery and its accessories, paper and board in reels and sheet form.

    Broadcasting and Cable TV Business

    Main Object Clause of an entity having business of Broadcasting and Cable TV

    1. To plan, establish, develop, provide, operate, maintain and market various services, including cable or satellite based communications and networking services or broadcasting or broadcasting content services, direct-to-home (DTH) services, satellite based transmission services and maintain telecommunication networks, systems, services including telephones, telex, message, relay, data transmission, facsimile, television, telematics, value added network services, paging cellular, mobile, audio and video services, maritime and Aeronautical communication services and other telecommunication services as are in use elsewhere or to be developed in future and to act as satellite based service provider and carry on the business of generation, distribution, redistribution, reception, transmission, re-transmission of audio, video, data and radio signals.

    2. To carry on business of manufacture, assemble, put to place, set up, plant, establish, develop, acquire, purchase, launch, relaunch, hire, lease, time share, manage, maintain, operate, run, replace, sale, upgrade, or otherwise commercially exploit, satellite, space craft, ground station assets, transponders, control stations, via uplink or downlink or otherwise for the purpose of transmitting relaying, telecommunicating, broadcasting, narrowcasting, telecasting, any form of radio, audio, video signals both terrestrially and spatially including obtaining rights of distribution and marketing of communication signals and electronic data by means of satellite, wireless, wire or other electronic or mechanical methods of delivery or otherwise and to providing consultancy services relating to telecommunication, satellite, transponder, communication, broadcasting network systems, mobile systems, telephony, information technology and exploiting software associated with provision and management of telecommunication and broadcasting / channel distribution services

    3. To receive, buy, sell, procure, develop, produce, commission, decrypt, aggregate, turnaround, encrypt and distribute various kinds of entertainment contents/software (programmes), data for their aggregation, exhibition, distribution and dissemination on TV channels / TV signals / video and audio signals, be it satellite TV channels or terrestrial TV channels or cable channels or through any other mode or through encryption, decryption of signals / channels using existing and/or emerging technologies, including distribution via internet, distribution via internet protocol or webcasting or exhibition in cinema and/or video theater in all forms, be it an analogue signals or digital signals or through sale of physical material like cassettes including audio cassettes, video cassettes, digital video discs, CD ROM’s etc. and any emerging technology

    Breweries and Distilleries Business

    Main Object Clause of an entity having business of Breweries and Distilleries e.g. United Breweries

    1. To carry on the business of distillers, Brewers and Maltsters in all its branches.

    2. To carry on the business as manufacturers, dealers, agents, Importers and exporters of spirits, denatured spirits, alcohol including potable, power and Industrial alcohols, rectified spirits, alcohols, extra neutral alcohols, Indian made foreign liquors, beer, wine and other beverages including aerated and mineral waters and other drinks.

    3. To carry on the business as manufacturers, dealers, agents, importers and exporters of all organic and inorganic chemicals, derived from molases, cane sugar, tapioca or other carbohydrate bearing roots or from alcohol or from starch bearing materials, like ethyle alcohol, Acetic acid, Acetates, benzenes, glycolos of ethylene and other deriveaties there from.

    4. To carry on the business as manufacturers, dealers, agents, importers and exporters of all kinds of fermenting agents, enzymes, corks, bottle, stoppers, bottle fillers, used in manufacturing, packing and filling spirits, alcohols, wines, and other items of brewery and distillery Industry and chemicals and their derevitives manufactured from such item. 

    5. To carry on the business as dealers, agents, importers and exporters of all kinds of plant, machinery, accessories, components used in brewing, distillery and allied chemical industries  

    Biotechnology Business

    Main Object Clause of an entity having business of Biotechnology

    1. To carry on the business as manufacturers, researchers, developers, creators, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters, refiners, dealers, agents, wholesalers, retailers and distributors of all kinds of biotechnology products and all products developed or to be developed in the future using biotechnology and other related and non-related technologies including technologies that may be developed in the future, proprietary medicines, pharmaceuticals, health foods and foods of all kinds, all kinds and forms of organic and inorganic chemicals including gelatin of all kinds and forms, including its amalgams, derivatives and by products, pesticides, acids, alkalies, natural and synthetic waxes, dyes, paints, pigments, oils, varnishes and resins, to carry on the business of manufacturing bioinformatics diagnostic tools, all medical engineering equipments along with software developments and toots relating to genome, genomic, genotype, genetic or any areas relating to genetic engineering and to patent all original research, procedures, methods products and by-products, technologies and software developed by the Company.

    2. To export and promote exports of commodities, crops minerals, raw materials, semi and manufactured products, goods and ware, plant, machinery, tools and equipment, fabrics made from natural or artificial fibres or a blend of natural and artificial fibres, garments, apparel, foods and beverages, canned provisions, raw cotton and cotton manufactures, raw jute and jute manufactures, raw wool and wool manufactures, raw silk and silk manufactures, textile made out of natural and artificial fibres, handloom textiles, cottage industries, ware, cotton waste, tea, minerals and ores, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, metal manufactures, coffee, tobacco and tobacco manufactures, spices, shoes and leather ware, timber, automobiles and trucks, diesel engine, pumps, agricultural implements, electric motors, transformers, switchgears and accessories, building, hardwares, furniture, electrical appliances, paper and paper products, machinery and machine tools, dyes, chemicals, colours, paints, varnishes, books and stationery items, glassware, pottery, tableware, scientific instruments, bicycles, auto scooters, automobile and truck spare parts, synthetic products, rubber manufactures, tyres, cords, tubes, typewriters, refrigerators, office steel furniture, equipment and appliances and other articles, products, materials and substances to all parts of the world, particularly, non-traditional commodities to non-traditional destinations.

    3. To import all types of commodities, crops, minerals, raw materials, semi and manufactured products, goods and ware, plant, machinery, tools and equipment, all types of fabrics made from natural or artificial fibres or a blend of natural and artificial fibres, garments, apparel, feeding stuffs, foods and beverages, canned provisions and to carry on any trading.

    Banking Business

    1. To carry on the business of banking that is to say accept, for the purpose of lending or investment of deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or otherwise, and withdrawable by cheque, draft, order or otherwise.

    2. In addition to the business of banking to carry on the business of –

    a. borrowing, raising or taking up of money; lending or advancing of money either upon or without security; drawing, making, accepting, discounting, buying, selling, collecting and dealing in bills of exchange, hundies, promissory notes, coupons, drafts, bills of lading, railway receipts, warrants, debentures, certificates, scrips and others instruments and securities whether transferable or negotiable or not; granting and issuing of letters of credits, travelers’ cheques and circulars notes; buying, selling and dealing in bullion and specie; buying and selling of and dealing in foreign exchange including foreign bank notes; acquiring holding, issuing on commission, underwriting and dealing in stock, funds, shares, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, obligations, securities and investments of all kinds; purchasing and selling of bonds, scrips or other forms of securities on behalf of itself, its constituents or others; negotiating of loans and advances; receiving of all kinds of bonds, scrips or valuables on deposit or for safe custody or otherwise; providing of safe deposit vaults; collecting and transmitting of money and all kinds of securities; issuing credit cards, meal vouchers and extending any other credits;

    b. carrying on any other business specified in clause (b) to clause (n) of sub-section (1) of section 6 the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949), and such other forms of business which the Central Government has pursuant to clause (o) of subsection (1) of Section 6 of that Act or Reserve Bank of India specified or may from time to time specify as a form of business in which it would be lawful for a banking company to engage.

    3. To carry on the business of merchant banking, investment banking, portfolio investment management and corporate consultants and advisors.

    4. To carry on the business of mutual fund management, equipment leasing and hire purchase, manage investment pools, syndicate in shares and other securities and act as Share and Stock brokers

    5. To carry on the business of factoring by purchasing and selling debts receivables and claims including invoice discounting and rendering bill collection, debt collection and other factoring services.

    6. To carry on and transact the business of giving guarantees and counter guarantees and indemnities whether by personal covenant or by mortgaging or charging all or any part of the undertaking, property or assets of the Company both present and future wherever situate or in any other manner and in particular to guarantee the payment of any principal moneys, interest or other moneys secured by or payable under debentures, bonds, debenture-stock, mortgage, charges, contracts, obligations and securities and the repayment of the capital moneys and the payment of dividends in respect of stocks and shares or the performance of any such other obligations.

    7. To solicit or procure insurance business as Corporate agents, to promote, organize, manage or undertake the activities of insurance intermediaries including insurance or reinsurance brokers, consultants, surveyors, loss assessors, loss control engineers, risk managers, actuarial analyst and to promote, organize, manage or undertake, marketing, trading, distribution or servicing of insurance and assurance products of all kinds, whether life or general; financial, investment or other products including (without limitation) securities, stocks, shares, debentures, bonds, units, certificates or services offered by the Company and/or by any persons, firm, company, body corporate, mutual fund, Government, State, public body or authority, supreme , municipal, local or otherwise, through the Company’s branches or offices

    Aluminium Business

    To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of manufacturing, producing, altering, converting, processing, treating, improving, manipulating, extruding, milling, slitting, cutting, casting, forging, rolling & rerolling of all shapes, sizes, varieties, specifications, dimensions, descriptions and strength of all kinds of ferrous & nonferrous metals, including bars, roads, structures, profiles, pipes, sheets, castings, wires, rolling metals, channels, angles, rolls, ingots, flats, slabs, rounds, squares, hexagons, octagons, foils, joints, deformed bars, their products, by-products and other materials, goods, articles and things made of all grades of ferrous & non-ferrous metals and to act as agent, broker, distributor, stockist, importer, exporter buyer, seller, job worker, convertor, consultant, supplier and vendor.

    To carry on the business in cold or hot rolling, re-rolling, slittings, castings, forgings, edge-milling, sheering, stamping, pressing, extruding, metal strips, sheets, foils and to set up foundries, furnaces and continuous casting and rolling mill plant for producing ferrous and non-ferrous materials, iron, steel and iron alloy, steel ingots, billets or re-rolled sections, steel structurals, forged components and accessories for automotive and engineering industry

    Saturday 16 September 2017

    Agrochemical Business

    1. To establish, carry on in India or elsewhere the business to manufacture, produce, process, formulate, mix, disinfect, refine, wash, dilute, concentrate, compound, segregate, pack, repack, and remove, heat, grade, freeze, fermentate, reduce, improve, buy, sell, resell, import, export, trade, barter, transport, store, forward, distribute, dispose, develop, handle, manipulate, market, procure, supply, treat, work, and to act as principal, agent, broker, representative, consultant, collaborator, consign, adatia, stockists, liasioner, in wholesale or retail, job worker or otherwise, to deal in Micro nutrients Fertilisers, water soluble fertilisers and all types, classes and kinds of natural or manmade fertilisers or otherwise, manures, mixtures of Fertilisers, whether nitrogenous, phosphatic, potash or otherwise such as single super phosphate, triple super phosphate, rock phosphate, silica fluoride, lime rock phosphate, urea, gypsum, di ammonium phosphate, mono ammonium phosphate, Seeds and other allied items

    2. To establish and carry on the business of manufacturing, producing, processing, importing, exporting, trading and dealing whether as principal or agents, in pesticides, Bio Pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, germicides, weedicides, herbicides, sprays, technical’s and remedies of all kinds for agricultural fruit growing, gardening or other purposes or as remedies for men or animals and whether produced from vegetables, mineral, general, animal or any other matter or by any other process, whether chemical, mechanical, electrical or otherwise and other allied items

    3. To establish, carry on in India or elsewhere the business, to manufacture, process, produce, formulate, mix, disinfect, wash, dilute, concentrate, compound, segregate, pack, repack and remove, heat, grade, store, forward, distribute, dispose, develop, broke, representative, agents, distributors, in wholesale or retail, consultant, collaborator, adatia, stockists, liasioner, job worker, import, export or otherwise to deal in all types of Organic chemicals, industrial chemicals, inorganic chemicals, agro chemicals, heavy water, and their compounds, formulations, preparations, acids, solvents, oils, solutions, derivatives, fluids, products, by products, residues, catalysts, re agents, intermediaries, equipment, derivatives, mixtures, concentrates, lumps, powders, granules, blends, Di Methylene sulphate, Oleum, sulphuric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid, silicon dioxide, soda ash, caustic soda, venedium pentoxide, silicon fluoride, chlorine based chemicals, calcium chloride, and other organic sails, Mono calcium phosphate, di calcium phosphate (animal feed grade, pharma grade and all other grades), tri calcium phosphates, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API), and other allied items, by products, derivates, compounds, source materials, ingredients, and other allied items and Power.

    Educational Institution Business

    To establish, purchase, maintain, develop and run coaching classes, training centres, schools, bureaus, websites, research laboratories and other academic institutions for imparting primary, secondary and higher level education through instructions, tuitions, coaching and training, in all disciplines of arts, science, commerce, engineering, medicine, para-medical, management, computers and information technology in and outside India by mode of oral, written, correspondence, teleconferencing and online courses and to develop, publish, maintain and sell test-papers, educational books, magazines, periodicals, newsletters, journals and softwares. 

    Educational Consultancy Business

    To conduct educational and consulting programs relating to various education and career opportunities viz. primary, secondary and higher education, teaching, supplementary and preparatory classes, online training, counselling, university admission services, administrative training, educational consultancy, human resource consultancy, management consultancy, placement services, public relation exercise and software consultancy including providing content and expertise on the internet 

    Playgroup Education Business

    To carry on business to establish, promote, maintain, organise, undertake, develop, conduct and to run in India or abroad Playschools, Kindergartens, Kid education Parks, pre-primary schools, play gardens, play groups, Nursery, Junior JG, Senior KG or education Institution, physical Training education, artistic education, of any sort and all types of education facilities to kids and to appoint franchisee/agents in India or abroad and to undertake the management of companies having objects in part similar to those of this Company in India or abroad and to take all necessary steps for registering the Company as may be thought fit and to take/receive royalty/commission from the above activities and business.

    To carry on business to provide, establish, maintain, develop, run, operate and manage facilities to provide and sell all types of kid accessories in any part of India and /or abroad through company owned stores/facilities or company appointed franchisees/franchise facilities 

    Horticulture Business

    1.  To acquire, purchase or take on lease the agricultural land anywhere in the country.

    2. To carry on the business of horticulture,  floriculture, sericulture, cultivators, of all kinds of seeds, fruits, including grapes, oranges, apples, mangoes proprietor of orchards and traders, exporter, dealers, processors, preservers and sellers of the products of such horticulture, floriculture, sericulture, seeds and cultivation and manufacturers of drinks including beverages produced from such products or otherwise. 

    3. To cultivate, plant, purchase, sell, trade, or otherwise deal in food stuff such as cereals sugarcane, sugar beet, vegetable and flower seeds, oil seeds, tea, coffee, cocoa, cinchona, rubber flex, hemp, cotton, silk, art silk, grass, timber wood, bamboo, straw,  seeds fruits and other articles that are the produce of land and to sell purchase, trade and deal in the same as principals or agents, solely or with partnership with other. 

    4. To promote, develop, execute, operate and otherwise carry on projects, schemes, industries, business and activities which in the opinion of the Company is likely to:
    i. accelerate and increase agricultural production;
    ii. contribute to the production of subsidiary and supplementary food;
    iii. increase the availability of supplies of food whether principal, ancillary, supplementary or substitute.

    5. To apply for purchase or otherwise acquire and obtain any patents, inventions, licenses,  permissions, concessions, processors, and the like conferring any exclusive or limited right (either in point of time or otherwise) to use the same or any secret or other information as to any invention which may seem capable of being used for any purpose of the Company and to use, exercise develop or grant licenses in respect of or otherwise turn to account any such patents, inventions, licenses, permissions, concessions, processes and the information so acquired.

    Transport Finance

    1. To carry on and undertake business as Financiers and Capitalists, to finance operations of all kinds such as managing, purchasing, selling, hiring, letting on hire and dealing in all kinds of vehicles, motor cars, motor buses, motor lorries, scooters and all other vehicles and to undertake and carry on all operations and transactions in regard to business of any kind in the same way as an individual capitalist may lawfully undertake and carry out and in particular the financing Hire Purchase Contracts relating to vehicles of all kinds; and to carry on and become engaged in financial, monetary and other business transactions that are usually and commonly carried on by Commercial Financing Houses, Shroffs, Credit Corporations, Merchants, Factory, Trade and General Financiers and Capitalists;

    2. To carry on the business of buying, selling of trucks and other CVs and reconditioning, repairing, remodelling, redesigning of the vehicles and also acting as dealer for the said vehicles, for all the second hand commercial and other vehicles and to carry on the business of buying, selling, importing, exporting, distributing, assembling, repairing and dealing in all types of vehicles including re-conditioned and re-manufactured automobiles, two and three wheelers, tractors, trucks and other vehicles and automobile spares, replacement parts, accessories, tools, implements, tyres and tubes, auto lamps, bulbs, tail light and head light bulbs, assemblies and all other spare parts and accessories as may be required in the automobile industry. 

    Tyres Business

    1. To carry on the business of manufacturing, buying, selling, dealing in wholesale and in retail importing and accounting of all kinds of tyre and tubes for, including but not limited to, cycles, bicycles, tricycles, moped, scooters, motorcycles, auto rikshaws, tractors, trucks, bus, cart moving vehicles, self moving vehicles

    2. To carry on business of manufacturers of and dealers in all types of rubber, celluloid, bakelite, plastic and all other chemicals, rubber and plastic goods, particular industrial roll sheet, belting goods

    Consumer Products Business

    1. To carry on trade or retail business in India through retail formats and including but not limited to hyper markets, super markets, mega stores/discount stores, cash & carry, departmental stores, shoppers plaza, direct to home, phone order and mail order, catalogue, through internet and other forms and multi level channels for all products and services, dealing in all kind of goods, materials and items including but not limited to food & provisions, household goods, consumer durables, jewellery, home improvement products, footwears, luggage, books & stationery, health care and beauty products, toys and music, computers & accessories, telecom products, agri input products, furniture & furnishings, automobile & accessories, and acquiring and running food, service and entertainment centers including but not limited to multiplexes, cinemas, gaming centers, amusement parks, restaurants and food courts and acquiring of land or building on lease or freehold or any commercial or industrial or residential building for running and management of retail business and to acquire flats, offices and retail spaces for carrying on retail business and to sell them, lease or sublet them and to undertake and execute civil, mechanical, electrical and structural works contracts and sub contracts in all their respective branches to carry on retailing business.

    2. To carry on the business of selling, exchanging, altering, importing, exporting, distributing or otherwise dealing in ready-made garments and hosiery made of cotton, silk, rayon, wool, nylon, man-made fabrics, polyester, canvas, jute, leather, any other fabric coated with any chemical or not, or other preparation and other fabric and any other business of manufacturing, processing, dyeing, bleaching, buying, selling, exchanging, importing, exporting or otherwise dealing in yarns and textiles made of cotton, silk, rayon, wool, nylon, man-made fibres, polyester, canvas or any other substances.

    3. To carry on the business of making investments and to hold, vary the investments and holdings of the Company as may from time to time be deemed desirable and to subscribe to the shares and securities being issued by companies and to generally do all activities and enter into all kinds of financial arrangements so as to enable mobilising of funds by and for such companies and ensuring liquidity for the investor investing in shares and securities issued by such companies and to invest money of the Company (or any of its subsidiaries) in any investments and to hold, sell or otherwise deal with investments or currencies or other financial assets and to carry on the business of investment company

    Mutual Fund Business

    To carry on business as advisor, administrator and/or manager of investment funds, mutual funds, (both local as well as offshore), growth funds, income or capital funds, taxable or tax exempt funds, provident funds, pension funds, superannuating funds, charitable funds, trust funds, managing investment pool(s) of any person or bodies of persons whether incorporated or not, and carry on the mutual fund business, investment in equity and other securities to contribute to the development of capital market and/or for providing facility for participation by subscribers and holders of units in the mutual funds and in the profit or income arising from the acquisition, holding, management and disposal of the securities and other investment whatsoever and for that purpose to promote, establish, manage and carry on various schemes as may be sanctioned by all concerned authorities and conducive to the management of the company whether directly or for the benefit of any person or persons and subject to requisite statutory approvals if any, to carry on the business of securitization and/or asset reconstruction and for that purpose to purchase, acquire, invest, transfer, sell, dispose of or trade in participation certificates, participation units, securitized debts, assets backed securities or mortgage backed securities or debts whether representing financial assets, receivables, debts, whether unsecured or secured by mortgage of immovable properties or hypothecated by movables or otherwise, whether existent, accruing, conditional, contingent, future, performing or non-performing, impaired or unimpaired, or otherwise and to carry on business as advisor to administrators and/or managers of investment funds, concerning shares, stocks, debentures, debenture stocks, bonds, units obligations, securitised debts, promissory notes, participation certificates, policies, money market investments, securities of the Central and State Governments, companies, corporations, municipal, local or other bodies or authorities or other securities or investments of any kind or description whether in India or in any foreign country whether directly or for the benefit of any person or persons.  

    Share Broker Business

    To carry on the business as Securities Brokers, Share and Stock brokers, finance and investment brokers, sub-brokers, underwriters, sub-underwriters and consultants for and to purchase, acquire, hold, sell, buy, invest, trade, exchange, deal, barter, borrow, lend, guarantee, offer, comfort for, pledge, hypothecate, charge and/or deal in investment instruments of all kinds and types, whether securities or not, including shares, stocks, debentures, bonds, cumulative convertible preference shares, certificates of deposits, commercial papers, participation certificates, other securities by original subscription, coupons, warrants, options and such other derivatives, and other mutual funds or any other securities issued by governments, corporations, co-operatives, firms, trusts, societies, authorities etc. whether situated in India or abroad and to carry on financial operations of all kinds including hire-purchase, leasing, credit rating, money changing’s, stock exchange membership to arrange bought out deals, to arrange placement of securities and to carry on business of management consultancy or to engage in activities such as portfolio management services, research in to various investment opportunities, or any other non-fund related activity, to be provided to venture capital funds, private equity funds, foreign institutional investors, investment funds, mutual funds, hedge funds or any other investors (whether private or public and whether local or offshore), for the purpose of investing the funds from time to time in various forms of investments in India. 

    Leasing and Hire Purchase Business

    To carry on the business of a leasing company, hire purchase company, finance company to undertaken all types of leasing and hire purchase business relating to all kinds of machinery, plant, equipment, ships, vehicles, aircraft, rolling stock, factories, movable and immovable property, to arrange or syndicate leasing or hire purchase business, to undertake bill discounting business, to purchase, finance discount, re discount bills of exchange ,to act as a discount and acceptance house to arrange acceptance or co-acceptance of bills, to carry on the business or financiers, lessors and hire purchase of all kinds of property, lending or advancing money on the security of movable or immovable property, legal claims, choose in action or other rights and assets to business undertaking and industries to carry on the business of managers, advisers, consultants to be public issues, merchant banking, portfolio management, bill discounting, underwriting, sub underwriting and other related services. 

    Engineering Business

    To acquire by purchase, lease, exchange, hire, reclamation, or otherwise and make advances on the security of and deal with or traffic in lands, buildings and hereditaments of any tenure or description and any rights, easements, estate or interest therein or connected therewith and to develop and turn the same to account as may seem expedient, and in particular by laying out and preparing land for building purposes and preparing building sites by surveying, planning, levelling, planting, paving, draining, farming and cultivating land, converting and appropriating any such land into and for roads, streets, squares, grounds, gardens and other conveniences and by constructing, re-constructing, pulling down, altering, improving, decorating, furnishing , holding, managing, administering, controlling and maintaining offices, flats, service flats, houses, bungalows, chawls, factories, colonies, warehouses, shops, water, water wharves, buildings, swimming pools, markets, hotels, motels, theatres and other works, structures and conveniences of all kinds for residential, commercial, public or industrial purposes and by leasing, letting (on building lease or building agreement or otherwise ) selling ( by instalments or otherwise ) and otherwise disposing of the same and to carry on the business of promoters, builders, developers, constructors and engineers, consultants, decorators and architects and of undertaking contracts for Governments, corporations and others for execution and construction of the aforesaid works, structures and conveniences and civil and architectural projects and supplying labour, material and equipment with all ancillary works, design, planning and operations and of rendering relating services such as architects, plumbers, decorators, consultants or agents

    Steel Business

    1. To carry on in India and elsewhere the trade or business or manufacturing, prospecting, raising, operating, buying, selling, importing, exporting, purchasing otherwise dealing;
    (i) in iron and steel of all qualities, grades, types and kinds as iron mongers, iron masters, steel makers and steel converters;
    (ii) in Ferro Silicon, Ferro-Chrome and/or all products made of Iron and Steel, Coking coal, Manganese, Ferro manganese, Limestone, Refractories, Iron-ore and other alloys;
    (iii) as miners, smelters, iron founders in all respective branches;
    (iv) in stainless steel, silicon steel, special steel, mild steel and in allied products, fireclay, dolomite, limestone, refractories, iron ore, bauxite, cement, chemicals, fertilizers, manures, distilleries, dye making and industrial and non-industrial gas, lime burners, stone quarrying, concrete manufacturing in all respective branches, and other allied input or other materials, and, for that purpose to construct, install, operate, manage and maintain all plants, mines, establishments, works etc

    2. To do consultancy services required to design, establish, provide, maintain and perform engineering and related technical and consultancy services for the development of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgical enterprises, chemical and petro-chemical enterprises, fertilizer plants, cement plants, refractory plants, laboratories for control and/or research purposes, water works, gas works, sewage disposal plants, thermal and hydro-electric power stations, electrical generators, transmission and distribution and all other types of industrial projects, and for that purpose to prepare and get prepared feasibility reports, detailed project reports, market studies, techno-economic investigations, survey of all types, site selection, planning basic and process engineering, preparing specifications and documents, tender evaluation and purchase assistance, detailed design and working drawing, shop inspection, expediting construction, supervision, project management, commissioning, operation and maintenance, training of personnel, pre and post operation consultancy and any such other services. 

    3. To construct, execute, carry out, improve, develop, manage or control iron and steel works and by-products and ancillary plants, fertilizer plants, coke ovens, foundries furnaces, bricks kilns, refractory works, factories, railways, tramways, ropeways, runways, roads, aerodromes, docks, harbours, piers wharves, dams, barrages, weirs, reservoirs, embankments, canals, irrigation, power houses, transmission lines, reclamation, improvement, sewage, drainage, sanitary, water, gas, electric, light, telephone and power supply works and hotels, houses, markets and buildings, private or public, and all other works, conveniences whatsoever, and generally to carry on the business of builders, contractors, engineers, architects, estimators, and designers in all their respective branches and to undertake works on contract basis for civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, erection engineering, water supply, etc. and to tender for such works, and to undertake consultancy services in the above fields, general accounting, material management, industrial engineering and other management services, etc.

    4. To plan, promote, and organise an integrated and efficient development of the iron and steel and its associated input industries such as iron ore, coking coal, manganese, limestone, refractories etc

    Housing Finance Business

    To carry on the business of providing long term finance to any person or persons, company or corporation, society or association enabling such borrower to construct or purchase a house or flat for residential purposes, upon such security and such terms and conditions as the company may deem fit AND to also provide long term finance to persons engaged in the business of construction of houses or flats for residential purpose to be sold by them by way of hire purchase or on deferred payment or other similar basis upon such terms and conditions as the Company may think fit and proper.  

    Thursday 14 September 2017

    Cold Storage Business

    To carry on the business of producing, growing, dealing, exporting, importing, stocking, trading, distributing, storing and preserving of all perishable items including but not limited to fresh vegetables, agricultural products, fruits, dry fruits, oil seeds, spices, fruit juices, ice candy, ice cream and other ice products, carbonated, aerated mineral water, dairy products, wines, liquors and other alcoholic and synthetic drinks, hessians in cold storage.

    Cinema and Theatre Business

    To carry on business to secure, develop, operate, construct, maintain, manage, promote, own, procure, utilize or initiate Multiplex Entertainment Complexes, Multiple Cinemas or Speciality Cinemas including Three Dimensional and Seat Simulators

    To carry on business to provide leisure, entertainment, cultural promotion, amusement, sports or health units including Amusement Arcades, Food Courts, Food Plazas, Fashion Outlets, Discotheques, Video Parlours, Restaurants, Pubs, etc. as well as to carry on all kinds of like business relating to Hotel and Tourism related Industries

    To carry on business to manufacture, buy, sell, exchange, distribute, import, export, deal in, market, trade as manufacturers, principal, agents, sub-agents, stockists, representatives, suppliers, distributors, merchants, brokers, auctioneers, importers, exporters of/in video cassettes, movies, films including video films, pictures produced in India and abroad.

    To carry on business to build, construct and erect Studios, Theatres, Cinema Halls, Music Halls, Open air Theatres and other places of entertainment and to carry on all or any of the business of Theatres, Music Halls, Cinema, Picture Palace, Film producing Studio and to promote, produce, represent, conducting, performance and exhibition of cinematography or stereoscopic or coloured or bioscope, pictures, films, operate as & stage plays and other entertainment as the Company may from time to time think fit and to permit the Company's premises to be used for all or any of the above purpose and such other purposes as may be deemed expedient.

    Beautician Business

    To promote, encourage, establish, provide, maintain, conduct, operate, organise and run beauty parlours and to do business as beautician, manicurists, hair dyers, makers and suppliers of all kinds of wigs and to conduct classes, seminars, demonstrations, education and training programmes in the field of body care and to do all incidental acts as are necessary to attain the main objects of the company.

    Air-Conditioning and Refrigerator Products

    To carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in all kinds of air conditioning plants, refrigerators, cooling appliances, apparatus and machinery, and all components, parts, accessories, articles and fittings required for that purpose

    Zip Fasteners Business

    To carry on, in India or abroad, the business of importers, exporters, agents, brokers, stockists, distributors, processors, manufacturer or otherwise to prepare, produce, supply, alter, utilise, improve, manipulate, mixture, blend, buy, sell, refine, exchange, barter and deal or traffic in all types of zip fastener made of all types of metals and other synthetic or man made material including copper, aluminium, brass, steel, iron, nylon, plastic fiber, etc; and to manufacture, process or deal in all or any other components, articles or things connected therewith.

    Online Food Business

    a. To carry on business to develop, own, run, administer, operate, facilitate, create, acquire an internet portal providing all sorts of information, including but not limited to details of menus, contact, discount offers, quality of service & food about restaurants, caterers, and other food and beverage service providers to be availed by users of the website in making informed decisions about their dining options and related facilities and by restaurants, hotels and other caterers to advertise themselves to the target audience in India and abroad

    b. To carry on business by setting up an interface and or put in place, set up, install, acquire appropriate IVRS based telephone help lines along with associated server for creating a via media either through its own resources or contracted third party service providers between restaurants, other caterers, and customers for food and beverage related requirements including but not limited to fine dining, home delivery etc. and to put in place appropriate arrangements/infrastructures based on agreeable revenue sharing mechanism both with service providers and their customers.

    c. To venture into various other value added services including but not limited to online table reservations reviewing of specific cuisines etc. wherein the company shall facilitate interactivities between restaurants and their customers and to provide a platform for qualitative interaction for its users, restaurants, advertisers and all other stakeholders of the food and beverages industries in India and abroad

    d. To act as collaborators franchiser, technical exports and marketing of any other hotel, motels, holiday resorts, camps, restaurants, canteens, pubs, bars, refreshment rooms, marriage home, resorts, creation centre, hotel, restaurant, picnic spot and allied activities and to act as agents of any hotels/company and to do and perform all duties, services and office which the agents of any hotels/company usually do and perform undertake 

    e. To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, processors, buyers, sellers, distributors, commission agents and dealers in all kinds of aerated, artificial and mineral waters, soft drinks, carbonated drinks, fruit and vegetable powders and preparations of all kinds, fruit juices, protein foods, instant foods and foods stuffs and provision of all kinds. 

    f. To provide catering services, conduct, host, organise parties, functions, events, shows, exhibitions, dramas, press conferences and alike and arrange for food, beverage, tenting, decoration and other similar requirement pertaining to the above. 

    g. To administer, develop, own and run Projects or Enterprise or Programmes for caterers, restaurants, other food and beverage service providers

    Event Management Business

    1. To carry on business, in India and abroad, by organizing and managing of various events including but not limited to luxury events, government & private events, road shows, seminars, fashion shows, concerts, conferences, social events, brand launches, brand promotion and management, cultural events & celebrity management, award nights, entertainment shows, college and school festivals; to sale and deal in tickets bookings and reservations for such events; and to acquire, purchase, sale, import or export, let on hire, install for that purposes various things, equipment and systems viz. audio visual systems, exhibitions, display panels and boards, conference kit and guides, and to provide support services in this regard; to carry on the business of service provider, distributor, concept facilitator, consultant, manager, franchises, Co-ordinations with municipalities, administration, traffic police, licensing authorities, market authorities etc., custodian, trustees, business advisor, strategy formulator, brand ambassador, on behalf of companies/firms/ individuals to promote, establish, brand building, market leader of products or services and all related activities.

    2. To carry on such other incidental/auxiliary activities as may be necessary in connection with sales promotion & event management. 

    Friday 1 September 2017

    Film Production Business

    To carry on business as producers, co-producers, distributors, hirers, exhibitors, negative holders, exploiters, traders, exporters and importers of motion pictures, media and /or publishing house either by itself or  through its division, cinematographic films, feature films, or any other film on any format or system and or recording of such films on any disc, tape, perforated media or other information storage devices or as agents for (wholesale and /or retail) and produce cinematographic films, as dealers in  sound producing, synchronized, stereoscopic, 3-D, coloured, bioscopic, cinemascope and cinerama pictures, blank and /or pre-recorded videos and/or audio cassettes, as proprietors and/or lessees of film studios, erecting and running studios, film laboratories, cinema halls, theatres, multiplexes, television studios for exhibiting films and for musical performances, as film publicity agents, designers, engravers for film publicity materials and as printers for film publicity and photography, either alone or in partnership with individuals and/or bodies, as lenders and/or suppliers of artists, artistic talents and technicians to producers of cinematograph films and for that purpose to employ artists as paid servants of the company to be readily available for such business and engage in  business incidental hereto.

    Television Network Business

    To carry on the business of producing, buying, selling, trading & exporting programmes for television, satellite television, cable television and radio programes and to establish links via satellites, downlink and uplink through TVRO’s, Reception system

    To establish, maintain and manage, Television, and or Radio centers, studios for production of serials and exports thereof

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