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    Friday, 22 September 2017

    Tea and Coffee Business

    Main Object Clause of an entity having business of Tea and Coffee manufacturing and dealing. E.g. Dhunseri Tea, Tata Tea etc.

    1. To carry on the business of planters, growers and manufacturers of tea, coffee, cinchona, cocoa and other natural products of any kind, ship-owners, bankers, engineers and merchants in all their branches, and any other business which can conveniently be carried on in connection with such business or any them, including the purchasing and selling of timber, and the manufacture and sale of tea boxes and other articles, and the clearing, planting, irrigation and cultivation of lands, the making of roads, railways, tramways, canals and aqueducts for the development of the Company’s propriety, and the convenient carrying on of its business.

    2. To buy, sell, trade and deal in tea, coffee and other plants and seed and rice and other food and requisite for labourers and others employed on estates, and generally to trade and deal in any way in the production, manufacture and purchase and sale of tea, coffee and other products, whether in raw or manufactured state or any other goods produced, wares, merchandise, articles and things of any kind and to lay out, construct, take upon lease or otherwise, acquire, convert, alter, modify, equip maintain and work tea plantations and tea factories at any place or places in India or elsewhere with the necessary works, buildings, erections, machinery, implements and articles required for the same. 

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