Main Object clause of entity having business of Footwear e.g. Bata India, Relaxo etc.
To carry on all or any of the following business as manufacturers, importers, exporters and distributors of, dealers and stockists in boots, shoes and foot-wear of all kinds and all other articles made of waterproof appliances, substances and things, travelgoods, oils, paints, chemicals and any preparation or solutions capable of being applied for water proofing or other similar purposes, synthetic rubber, synthetic rubber, plastic and all other articles produced or used by tanners and curriers and manufacturers of and dealers in appliances for the above trades or any of them as sole proprietors and or as partners in a partnership firm and or as member of an association of persons or body of individuals, or in any other manner authorised by law fr:r the time being or as agents, brokers, contractors, etc.
To carry on business as consultants and advisers on various applications of the products and bye-products of the company and to undertake designing, servicing, erection, installation, execution and supply contracts for the same for clients and prospective clients.
To develop, cause to develop, produce and/or deal in the connected raw materials, know how and facilities required for the production of the connected raw material.
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