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              Thursday, 14 September 2017

              Cinema and Theatre Business

              To carry on business to secure, develop, operate, construct, maintain, manage, promote, own, procure, utilize or initiate Multiplex Entertainment Complexes, Multiple Cinemas or Speciality Cinemas including Three Dimensional and Seat Simulators

              To carry on business to provide leisure, entertainment, cultural promotion, amusement, sports or health units including Amusement Arcades, Food Courts, Food Plazas, Fashion Outlets, Discotheques, Video Parlours, Restaurants, Pubs, etc. as well as to carry on all kinds of like business relating to Hotel and Tourism related Industries

              To carry on business to manufacture, buy, sell, exchange, distribute, import, export, deal in, market, trade as manufacturers, principal, agents, sub-agents, stockists, representatives, suppliers, distributors, merchants, brokers, auctioneers, importers, exporters of/in video cassettes, movies, films including video films, pictures produced in India and abroad.

              To carry on business to build, construct and erect Studios, Theatres, Cinema Halls, Music Halls, Open air Theatres and other places of entertainment and to carry on all or any of the business of Theatres, Music Halls, Cinema, Picture Palace, Film producing Studio and to promote, produce, represent, conducting, performance and exhibition of cinematography or stereoscopic or coloured or bioscope, pictures, films, operate as & stage plays and other entertainment as the Company may from time to time think fit and to permit the Company's premises to be used for all or any of the above purpose and such other purposes as may be deemed expedient.

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