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    Wednesday, 30 August 2017

    Form STK-3 - Indemnity Bond

    Form STK-3 is a form of Indemnity Bond which is required to be given at the time of striking off of the Company. This indemnity body should be duly stamped and should be notarised before submitted with ROC.
    Form STK-3
    (to be given individually or collectively by every director)
    [Pursuant to clause (i) of sub-rule (3) of rule 4 of the Companies (Removal of Names of Companies from the Register of Companies) Rules, 2016]

    The Registrar of Companies,
    100, Everest, Marine Lines,
    Mumbai – 400002

    1. I/We, the Director(s) of ……………………… (mention name of the Company), incorporated on……………………under the Companies Act, 2013 or Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at…………………… do hereby declare that:

    1. I/We ……………………….S/o/D/o/W/o Shri…………… Director(s) of this Company.

    1. That I/We have made an affidavit confirming that the company does not have any assets and liabilities as on date.

    1. Further, the Company has been inoperative from the date of its incorporation/The Company commenced business/operations/commercial activity after incorporation but has been inoperative for the past ………………..year(s) (strike out whichever is not applicable). Thus the Company is defunct and I request the Registrar of Companies,……………… to strike off the name of the Company from the register of companies under Section 248 of the Companies Act, 2013.   

    1. I/We do hereby undertake to indemnify:
    1. the claimants for all lawful claims against the company arising in future after the striking off the name of the Company

    1. any person for any losses that may arise pursuant to striking off the name of the Company.

    1. the claimants for all lawful claims and liabilities, which have not come to our notice up to this stage, and if any claim arises or observed even after the name of the Company has been struck off in terms of Section 248 of the Companies Act, 2013

    Place: ………………
    Date: ………………

    Name: ________
    Father’s name: _____________
    Address: _______________, Signature:
       Mumbai - _____.
    Occupation:    Business

    Name: _________
    Father’s name: _______________
    Address: ____________, Signature:
          Mumbai – _______


    1. Signature:

    Father’s name:


    Father’s name:


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    Tuesday, 29 August 2017

    Form INC-9 - Affidavit

    Form INC-9 is an affidavit required to be submitted by a proposed subscriber to MOA and first Director at the time of Incorporation of Companies. Applicable stamp duty is also required to be paid on this document. This document should also be attested in front of notary public.
    Form No. INC-9
    [Pursuant to section 7(1)(c) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 15 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014]

    Name of the proposed company: ______________ Limited

    I ______________, being the subscriber to the memorandum and named as first director in the articles, of the above named proposed company, hereby solemnly declare and affirm that:

    • I have not been convicted of any offence in connection with the promotion, formation or management of any company during the preceding five years; and

    • I have not been found guilty of any fraud or misfeasance or of any breach of duty to any company under this Act or any previous company law during the preceding five years; and

    • All the documents filed with the Registrar for registration of the company contain information that is correct and complete and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.




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    Form 9 - Consent to act as Designated Partner / Partner

    Form 9 is required to be furnished pursuant to Rule 7 and 10(8) of LLP Rules for the following purposes.
    1. Incorporation of Limited Liability Partnership
    2. Addition of Partner in LLP
    Form 9
    [See rule 7 and 10(8)]
    Consent to act as Designated Partner

    Note – All fields marked in *are to be mandatorily filled.

    ____________________ LLP

    Date: _____________

    Subject: Consent to act as Designated Partner

    I, __________________, hereby give my consent to act as designated partner of the ___________________ LLP pursuant to Section 7(3) of the Act.


    1. Designated Partner Identification Number (DPIN):
    2. Name:
    3. Father’s /Husband’s Name:
    4. Present residential address:
    5. E-mail ID:
    6. Name of the Partnership Firm
    LLPIN & Name of Limited Liability Partnership
    CIN & Name of the Company
    Name of any other body corporate whose nominee the designated partner is.

    I hereby state that I satisfy the conditions and requirements for being eligible to be a designated partner and I have not been disqualified to act as a designated partner.

    To be signed by the designated partner: __________________


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    Splitting of Share Certificates - Request Letter

    This letter is required to be submitted when a shareholder wants to split his/her/its existing share certificate.
    Date: ________

    The Board of Directors,
    _____________ Private Limited,


    Sub: - Splitting of Share Certificates

    I, _____________________, Member Folio No _________,  request you to split the following  share certificate bearing share certificate No. ______, comprising of ___________ Equity Shares of Rs. ___ each, the details of which is mentioned hereunder into _______ Share Certificates of  _________ and _____ equity share(s) respectively.

    Folio No
    Share Cert No
    No of Shares
    Distinctive Nos

    Please find herewith, the Share Certificate surrendered for splitting. Please do the needful.

    Thanking you
    Yours faithfully


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