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    Tuesday, 29 August 2017

    Form 9 - Consent to act as Designated Partner / Partner

    Form 9 is required to be furnished pursuant to Rule 7 and 10(8) of LLP Rules for the following purposes.
    1. Incorporation of Limited Liability Partnership
    2. Addition of Partner in LLP
    Form 9
    [See rule 7 and 10(8)]
    Consent to act as Designated Partner

    Note – All fields marked in *are to be mandatorily filled.

    ____________________ LLP

    Date: _____________

    Subject: Consent to act as Designated Partner

    I, __________________, hereby give my consent to act as designated partner of the ___________________ LLP pursuant to Section 7(3) of the Act.


    1. Designated Partner Identification Number (DPIN):
    2. Name:
    3. Father’s /Husband’s Name:
    4. Present residential address:
    5. E-mail ID:
    6. Name of the Partnership Firm
    LLPIN & Name of Limited Liability Partnership
    CIN & Name of the Company
    Name of any other body corporate whose nominee the designated partner is.

    I hereby state that I satisfy the conditions and requirements for being eligible to be a designated partner and I have not been disqualified to act as a designated partner.

    To be signed by the designated partner: __________________


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