Form 9 is required to be furnished pursuant to Rule 7 and 10(8) of LLP Rules for the following purposes.
1. Incorporation of Limited Liability Partnership
2. Addition of Partner in LLP
1. Incorporation of Limited Liability Partnership
2. Addition of Partner in LLP
Form 9
[See rule 7 and 10(8)]
Consent to act as Designated Partner
Note – All fields marked in *are to be mandatorily filled.
____________________ LLP
Date: _____________
Subject: Consent to act as Designated Partner
I, __________________, hereby give my consent to act as designated partner of the ___________________ LLP pursuant to Section 7(3) of the Act.
1. Designated Partner Identification Number (DPIN):
2. Name:
3. Father’s /Husband’s Name:
4. Present residential address:
5. E-mail ID:
6. Name of the Partnership Firm
LLPIN & Name of Limited Liability Partnership
CIN & Name of the Company
Name of any other body corporate whose nominee the designated partner is.
I hereby state that I satisfy the conditions and requirements for being eligible to be a designated partner and I have not been disqualified to act as a designated partner.
To be signed by the designated partner: __________________
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