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    Wednesday 16 August 2017

    Airlines Operating Business

    1. To operate air support services to meet the requirement of public as well as private sector which would include services by Aero planes and/or Helicopters and such other transport services in India and abroad as may be approved by the Government of India or such other competent authority. 

    2. To operate scheduled/non-scheduled and transport services by aero planes and/or Helicopters to inaccessible areas and difficult terrains and to provide intra-city transportation for the carriage of passengers, mail and freight.

    3. To organise, run, maintain, take on lease, purchase, sell, exchange, promote, establishes, manage, acquired, operate, take on hire, airlines, aircrafts, charters of air-craft, carrier of goods and passenger

    4. (i) To operate any air transport services or flight by Aero planes and/or Helicopters for a commercial or other purpose and to carry out all forms of aerial flights in different cities as may become necessary. 
    (ii) To provide pleasure/leisure rides in air with a view to promote air-mindedness in the country.

    5. To establish, provide, maintain and conduct research and other laboratories, training colleges, school and other institutions for the training, education and instruction of students and other who may desire to avail themselves of the same and to provide for the delivery and holding of lectures, demonstrations, exhibitions, class meetings and conferences connected with Aero plane and/or Helicopters.

    6. To provide or to do all or any of the activities relating to training, educating, imparting, coaching to students, technicians connected with Aero planes and/or Helicopters in all respects of aircraft maintenance engineering, aircraft electronics and awarding diploma to persons, employed or desirous of being employed either by the Company or by any other persons.

    7. To plan, promote, develop, design, test, repair, maintain, assemble, import, buy, sell etc. on hire purchase, charter, altering, modifying, manufacturing of aero planes, helicopters, aero engine, air support equipment, air frames, components, parts, tools, equipment, accessories, air borne radio and to deal in aerial conveyance of all kinds of machinery and other apparatus used or employed in connection therewith

    8. To carry on business as tourism agents and contractors and to facilitate traveling and to provide for tourists and travelers and promote the provision of conveniences of all kinds in through tickets, circular tickets, sleeping cars or berths, reservations, hotels and loading accommodation, guides, safe deposits, inquiry bureaus, libraries, lavatories, reading room, baggage transport and otherwise

    9. To carry on the business of transport, cartage and haulage contractors, garage, proprietors, owners and charters of road vehicles, aircrafts, shops, tugs, barges and boats of every description, lighter men, carriers of goods and passengers by road, rail water or air, Carmen, cartage contractors, stevedores, wharfirgers, cargo superintendents, packers, halers, ware housemen, store keepers and job masters 

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